What’s Unique About Men’s Dental Health?

BOYS AND MEN are, on average, 20% less likely to brush their teeth twice a day, and they’re even less likely than girls and women to replace old toothbrushes. The good news is this problem is easy to fix. Brushing should be part of every morning and nighttime routine (and flossing should be included in the latter as well).

Habits Play a Major Role

Men also have a greater tendency towards drinking, smoking, and especially chewing tobacco compared to women, which puts them at increased risk of oral health problems like periodontitis, tooth loss, and even oral cancer. This is why dentists urge minimal alcohol consumption and the complete avoidance of tobacco products. Men can protect their oral health by avoiding these harmful substances.

Chronic Disease Can Affect Dental Health

Because men are more susceptible to high blood pressure and heart disease, they are more likely to be taking medications that cause dry mouth as a side effect. Dry mouth increases the risk of cavities, gum disease, and chronic bad breath.

The Importance of Dental Exams

Lastly, men are less likely than women to keep up with their regular dental exams, and they’re more likely to try to tough out symptoms like toothaches. This is neither safe nor effective, because dental problems don’t solve themselves. It’s not weak or unmanly to go to the dentist, it’s a smart investment in your oral health!

What’s Unique About Women’s Dental Health?

MEN AND WOMEN don’t always face the same dental health challenges, nor do they have the same dental health advantages. The bad news for women is that hormone changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can all contribute to oral health issues. It increases the risk of gingivitis and gum inflammation, making brushing and flossing even more crucial. Menopause is also associated with dry mouth and bone loss in the jaw.

Conditions That Affect Women More

Women receive 90% of TMD diagnoses. Some of that could be because they’re more likely to seek a diagnosis, but it can’t account for the entire gap. Women are also more vulnerable to Sjörgen’s syndrome, which causes dry mouth.

Eating disorders are incredibly harmful to oral health, weakening oral tissues through malnutrition and (when purging is involved) directly damaging tooth enamel through acid erosion. These disorders affect teenage girls at twice the rate of teenage boys.

The Big Advantage

The best advantage women have in spite of all these increased risks is that women are more diligent at caring for their teeth and gums. They are more likely to keep up with their daily oral hygiene habits and schedule regular dental visits, and they’re quicker to see the dentist when experiencing symptoms. By contrast, men have a bad habit of trying to tough it out.

Prioritize Your Oral Health

Do everything you can to give your oral health an advantage, even in the face of risk factors. Maintain diligent oral hygiene habits by brushing twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, and limiting sugary drinks and snacks to mealtimes. Don’t forget those regular dental appointments to stay ahead of any emerging problems!

The dentist is here to help!

Gum Disease Can Affect Kids Too

CHILDREN DON’T HAVE to deal with a lot of the health problems that affect adults, but they aren’t exempt from the risk of gum disease. The harmful bacteria that cause gingivitis don’t care how old someone is.

Gum Disease Causes

The biggest cause of gum disease in childhood is poor oral hygiene. When plaque is allowed to build up at the gumlines and harden into tartar, it leaves the gums more prone to irritation and inflammation. When a child reaches their teens, hormones become a factor too, increasing blood flow to the gums, which makes them more sensitive. Over 50% of teens have some form of gum disease.

Parents, Be on the Lookout

A child won’t always recognize a problem with their gums because they have very little frame of reference. As a result, they might not report symptoms to their parents unprompted, so keep an eye out for signs like swollen or red gums, bleeding during brushing or flossing, and bad breath that doesn’t go away with brushing and flossing.

Oral Hygiene Is Key

Maintaining good gum health is an endless battle, and good oral hygiene is critical. Parents should set a good example by brushing twice a day and flossing daily. Remember that it’s easier to prevent a dental problem than to treat one, and the best forms of prevention are daily oral hygiene routines and regular dental exams.

The Dentist Is Here to Help!

If your child is showing signs of gum disease, they may be overdue for a dental appointment! Schedule one as soon as possible so that we can help get them back on track for a lifetime of strong teeth and healthy smiles.

Thank you for being part of our practice family!

What Does Fluoride Do for Our Teeth?

EVERY TUBE OF TOOTHPASTE with the ADA’s Seal of Acceptance has the same two things in common: it is sugar-free and it contains fluoride. Fluoride is a key building block in our tooth enamel. The sugary or acidic things we eat and drink pull minerals out of our enamel, and we can build it back up by brushing with fluoride toothpaste. This is also why trace amounts of fluoride are added to our drinking water.

Naturally-Occurring Fluoridation

Water fluoridation started in Colorado Springs, where the water naturally contains a lot of it. At these high levels of fluoride, local dentists started noticing that many people had brown stains on their teeth despite having no tooth decay. They called it “Colorado brown stain,” and today we call it fluorosis.

The Right Level of Fluoride

Dentists wondered if there was an amount of fluoride that would offer the same benefits of preventing decay without causing stains. They first tested it in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and found that childhood tooth decay dropped by a shocking 60% with only a few mild cases of fluorosis and no other adverse effects. It was such a success that water fluoridation took off across the country, and it is still regarded as one of the ten greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.

Bring Us Your Fluoride Questions!

If you have questions about how fluoride helps keep teeth strong, we’d be happy to answer them! Much more important than fluoridated water is brushing with toothpaste that has the ADA Seal of Acceptance.

Make sure you’re using the right tools to protect your teeth!

How Can I Defend Against Gum Recession?

ELDERLY PEOPLE ARE not the only people at risk of gum recession, even though that idea is where the expression “long in the tooth” originated. Some people are unlucky enough to be genetically prone to gum recession, but there are several avoidable factors that contribute to gum recession (in kids as well as adults!).

#1: Overbrushing

Anyone brushing hard enough to leave their toothbrush bristles bent outward is probably overdoing it. When we’re brushing our teeth, we’re cleaning living tissue, not floor tiles! We need to be gentle. Use soft-bristled brushes and don’t use excessive pressure. Likewise, don’t snap the floss directly onto the gums! Gently work it down the side of one tooth instead.

#2: Gum disease

As it progresses, gum disease can wreak havoc on the supporting structures around the teeth, making it a major cause of gum recession. The best defenses are limiting sugar intake and keeping up with oral hygiene habits, along with regular dental appointments.

#3: Bruxism

A grinding habit puts a lot of pressure on the teeth and gums and can cause damage over time. Lifestyle changes, cognitive behavioral therapy, and meditation can help break the habit.

The Dentist Is Your Best Ally

If it’s been a while since your last dental appointment, a great way to get to the bottom of any gum recession you’ve been experiencing would be by scheduling a dental exam. We can take a look at your gums and recommend strategies for improving their health and stopping gum recession in its tracks.

Health Benefits Come With Smiling More!

OF COURSE WE SMILE when we feel happy, but there’s evidence to show that the link between smiling and happiness might go both ways — the simple act of smiling can make us feel a little better! Even a fake smile releases endorphins (the feel-good hormone), so it might be worth smiling in the face of a rough day; it might just improve.

Endorphins: The Body’s Stress-Reliever

That simple endorphin boost from smiling gives us a lot of other benefits far beyond a mood boost. Endorphins reduce pain and relieve stress because they function a lot like painkillers. Unlike painkillers, however, they don’t cause side effects!

The Effects Aren’t Just Short-Term!

Over time, endorphins can have cumulative positive effects on our health. The simple habit of smiling more can lead to long-term health benefits such as increased resilience against illnesses and a decreased risk of getting cancer. The better we are at managing our stress, the fewer stress-induced mutations our cells will go through, making cancer less likely.

Studies show that people perceive smiling faces to be younger and more attractive, but a lifetime of regular smiling and the benefits it brings can actually contribute to living longer. And it’s easier to smile confidently with healthy teeth and gums!

The Dentist Is Your Ally for a Healthy Smile

The dentist is your biggest ally when it comes to having a smile you’re happy to show off. Make regular cleanings and exams a priority so that you can get that deep clean feeling and stay ahead of any problems that may come up.

We always have a smile for our patients!

Swimmers and Divers, Watch Those Teeth!

ANYONE WHO SWIMS or scuba dives frequently could encounter some unique dental issues if they aren’t careful. Let’s take a closer look at the big ones.

Chlorine’s Effect on Teeth

The longer teeth are exposed to acidic chlorine ions in pool water, the more likely they are to develop brown or yellow stains. These are called swimmer’s calculus. As good as chlorine is at keeping a public pool sanitary for all swimmers, it can become acidic enough to affect tooth enamel. Swimmers can minimize this effect by swimming with their mouths closed as much as possible and drinking plenty of water to rinse traces of pool water off of their teeth.

Scuba Divers With Dental Work

Scuba divers have a different set of concerns, particularly “tooth squeeze” or barodontalgia. That feeling of pressure building up in the ears when diving to the bottom of the pool is very similar to what happens inside each tooth, especially teeth with untreated cavities or ineffective dental treatment. The pressure can build to such a degree that it can even fracture teeth, which is why we strongly encourage divers to visit the dentist before starting a new diving season.

Divers often also deal with ill-fitting scuba mouthpieces, which can lead to jaw strain and even TMD symptoms. We recommend getting a custom-fitted mouthpiece to protect the teeth and jaws.

Still Wondering About Dental Health and Water Activities?

If you have any lingering questions about maintaining your dental health while enjoying water activities, don’t hesitate to reach out! Remember, besides the fun and splash, wet surfaces around pools pose a slip hazard that could lead to dental injuries. Stay cautious and protect your smile while you dive into summer fun!

Wishing all our patients a wonderful and safe summer!

Parents Can Help Make the First Dental Visit Great

DENTAL ANXIETY KEEPS millions of people from seeking dental treatment every year, and it affects kids too. Parents can help their kids develop a positive mindset about the dentist by following a few simple tips:

1. Start Early

As soon as a child has their first tooth, they can benefit from seeing the dentist.

2. Play Pretend

For young children, some imaginative play can help this new experience seem less intimidating. Take turns with them playing the role of the dentist and the patient.

3. Explain to Older Kids

Kids will be more comfortable when they understand the situation, so if they’re old enough, simply explain what dental visits are like and why they’re important for their teeth.

4. Prioritize Dental Hygiene

If kids already understand how brushing and flossing keep their smiles healthy, they are more likely to appreciate what the dentist can do for them.

5. Come Meet the Dentist Ahead of Time

Instead of diving straight into the dental exam and cleaning, schedule a meet-and-greet so that the dentist won’t feel like such a stranger!

6. Be There for Them

The easiest way to make the first few dental appointments less scary is by coming along and being present in the exam room to offer support and encouragement.

We Look Forward to Meeting You and Your Child

Making that first visit a good one for your child is critical. It gets out ahead of potential dental anxiety, builds a foundation for a lifetime of trust in the dentist, and makes prioritizing their dental health much easier. Please bring us any questions you have about your child’s dental care.

We’re excited to help you make the first checkup fun for your child!

5 Cues It’s Time to See the Dentist

GUM DISEASE, TOOTH DECAY, and other oral health problems don’t set in overnight. That’s why it’s so important to have regular checkups and to be diligent with daily oral hygiene habits. If it’s been a while since the last trip to the dentist, here are the top 5 signs it’s time to schedule a quick visit:

1. Persistent Tooth Pain or Mouth Sores

Pain is the body’s alarm system, so don’t ignore it! Tooth pain rarely goes away on its own and can become much worse without treatment. A mouth sore that isn’t healing on its own could also be a sign of infection or disease.

2. Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums could be the result of an overly aggressive flossing or brushing technique (this is why soft bristles are best), but it’s rarely a sign of good gum health. Most likely, it’s a symptom of gum disease and should be checked by a dentist.

3. A Problem With Old Dental Work

If an old filling or crown becomes too worn out, damaged, or falls off, get to the dentist quickly so that it can be repaired before infection has a chance to set in.

4. A Medical Condition

A serious medical condition like diabetes or an eating disorder can impact oral health. So could a new prescription.

5. Bad Breath

Chronic bad breath isn’t just a source of embarrassment, it’s often a sign of a more serious problem like gum disease or tooth decay. Bring that problem to the dentist for help!

And a Bonus Reason…

One more sign you’re due for a dentist visit is that it’s been longer than six months since your last one! There’s no need to wait until you’re experiencing symptoms to visit the dentist. Maintenance on a car is easier to do than repairs, and the same is true of our teeth.

Preventative care is key where healthy smiles are concerned!

Follow These Tips to Help a Teething Child!

TEETHING CAN BE upsetting for babies and their parents alike! We’re here to help with a few simple teething tips:

1. Learn to spot signs of teething.

Typically around the six-month mark, the first teeth will begin to emerge. A teething baby may show behavioral changes that are actually teething symptoms, such as decreased interest in breastfeeding, excessive drooling, refusal of foods they normally like, difficulty sleeping, or general irritability. They might also become more interested in chewing or sucking on things.

2. Recognize what ISN’T a sign of teething.

Sometimes parents misidentify other symptoms as having to do with teething, when it could be an unrelated illness. A runny nose, fever, or diarrhea could be signs of a viral infection. Consult a pediatrician if they get worse.

3. Try different soothing techniques.

Continue breastfeeding if possible, and provide something safe to chew on like a teething toy, but be cautious when choosing teething toys. Make sure they do not contain PVC, BPA, or phthalates — all compounds that potentially cause harm if ingested by a child. Some toys can be chilled to provide extra relief, and some can be fastened to the child’s clothing.

Bring Us Your Teething Questions

If you’re stressing over your child’s teething symptoms, don’t hesitate to get in touch! This is a strange new experience for both you and your child, and we’re here to help. Also keep in mind that as soon as the first tooth appears, it’s a great time for baby’s first dental visit.

Your child deserves the best, including the best of dental health treatment!