

What is preventive dentistry?

Preventive dentistry is the modern way of reducing the amount of dental treatment necessary to maintain a healthy mouth.

It helps you to keep your teeth. The two major causes of tooth loss are decay and gum disease. The better we prevent or deal with these two problems, the more chance people have of keeping their teeth for life.

The joint efforts of the dentist, the hygienist and the patient, can help to prevent the need for treatment, and so avoid the traditional pattern of fillings and extractions.

A course of treatment may be recommended to get your mouth into good condition, and a maintenance plan will be worked out to help you keep it that way.

Is prevention possible?

Yes. With modern dentistry and constant new developments, it is possible to prevent or considerably reduce dental disease.

Can everybody benefit from preventive dentistry?

Yes. Preventive dentistry will benefit anyone with some of their own teeth. People who don’t have any teeth can also benefit because conditions such as mouth cancer and denture stomatitis can be identified and treated during regular visits to the dentist. It is excellent for children and young people, but it is never too late to start.


Conservative Dentistry is the branch of dentistry which is concerned with the conservation of teeth in the mouth. It embraces the practice of operative dentistry and endodontics, and includes various kinds of direct and indirect restorations of individual teeth in the mouth. It includes endodontics, crowns, fixed and semi-fixed bridgework, operative procedures for restoration and replacement of teeth with natural abutments or implants.

Conservative dentistry focuses on saving natural teeth that have defects due to dental caries, trauma, abrasion or attrition, and esthetic disharmony including developmental anomalies or tooth discoloration, as well as pulpal and/or periapical diseases to maintain their inherent masticatory, phonetic and esthetic function and the physiologic integrity in harmonious relationship with the adjacent hard and soft tissues through diagnosis, treatment, post-op evaluation and prevention.

Conservative restoration of the tooth and root canal treatment are two main cores performed as part of Conservative Dentistry. It aims to recover the functions of teeth and enhance the general health and welfare of the patient.